How to actually make Someday a Reality

Do any of these sound familiar:
  • Someday, when I have the money…
  • Someday, when I have the time…
  • Someday, when I lose some weight…
If you are honest with yourself, you know that “Someday” is never coming. But not this time…this time you are ready…this time you REALLY do want to make Someday a Reality.  Something’s happened that makes this time different. In this article, I will share the 1 simple concrete step that you must take first to guarantee to make Someday a Reality.

Someday Never Comes

There is no such thing as the perfect time.  You will never have enough money (how can that even be measured?).  We all have the same 24 hours in a day, so “enough time” is simply mindset. When is it exactly that you plan on losing weight? The reality is that when you tell yourself the story of “Someday”, your mind doesn’t believe it.  Its just a wish…just a dream. There’s no downside to the dream, because you really don’t believe it. Your mind loves the safety of its comfort zone. And that comfort zone is exactly where you are today. You are here, why change?  Why risk disappointment, or difficulty, or failure? It’s easier to just be whomever you are, whether you like that person or not. Unless…

Make Someday a Reality

This time is different…this time you really DO want make someday a reality… The single concrete step to guarantee to make your someday a reality is quite simple: You must take ACTION. It’s the action, the activity that creates the progress.  You do not take even one step towards “Someday” unless you actually take the first step. So let’s do it! Let’s take that first step…but how? Here are some tips to help you overcome that barrier, the wall that keeps you from taking the first step:

How to Take The First Step

Here are some tips to help you take that first step:

1. Put it on the calendar and make a plan

This makes your goal 100% concrete.  It’s right there in black and white, and with a plan, you’ve thought about the steps to make it happen. To take the action, your mind needs it be real. Without the plan of action your mind doesn’t switch into action mode.  In that case, it’s still a wish, it’s still “Someday” and your mind has no real interest in doing the work of overcoming the fear. Make the plan out of concrete baby steps.  Small, doable tasks…now you are applying the Slight Edge!

2. Get around the right people

Find a group, a clan, a tribe of people that will support you.  It could be people that have already accomplished your goals.  Or it could be people that are trying to accomplish the same thing along with you. The right group will be just the right mix of positive support, accountability, and showing you the way.  You need love, but you also need to be pushed. When you tell this new tribe of your goals, it ratchets up the level of accountability within your own mind.  Now you are motivated by BOTH you own goals, and the collective accountability of the group.

3. Focus on what’s changed in your mind

What makes this time different?  Why is now the time you need to make Someday a Reality? Maybe that sounds simple, but this time is different (or else you wouldn’t be reading an article like this).  Why is that?
  • Has there been some event in your life or in the life of someone close to you?
  • Did you have a dream?
  • Did you get bad news from the doctor?
Whatever it is, keep it in front of you all the time.  Think about it, write it down, put it on your mirror.  Focus on it.

Other Resources

Here are some other posts and resources to help you take that first step towards making someday a reality:

In Summary

The key to make a someday a reality is quite simple: take action. There is never going to be the “perfect” time or situation in your life.  You must take action today. The hard part may be in taking that first step.  Here are some tips to help you take the first step:
  1. Put it on the calendar and make a plan
  2. Get around the right people
  3. Focus on what’s changed in your mind
I hope for you that this time really is different.  That this is the time that you actually start to make someday a reality. Have a great day!

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