Focus on What YOU Can Control: Will You Ring the Bell?

This post is a continuation of the series and theme of Focusing on what YOU can Control.  This theme is critical for the side and home business entrepreneur because the one of the biggest mind and time sucks is worrying about, and then mentally and physically chasing things that you can’t control.

The topic of this post is Your Level of Commitment. One of my favorite personal development authors is Stephen Pressfield, and specifically I will be highlighting a section from his book entitled, “Do the Work”.  There’s a great section in this book where he’s talking about the fact that as an entrepreneur, or as somebody who’s got a vision for their life, the reality is that you’re pretty much on your own. You can build your community and certainly that’s important, but the reality is that its only YOU that can have the level of commitment that is necessary to accomplish your vision.

Navy SEAL Training

Mr Pressfield has this great analogy between entrepreneurship and Navy SEAL training. The way Navy SEAL training works is that the purpose of the training is to BREAK the candidates.  Maybe that seems harsh, but the thought process behind this is that we (yes, the collective we of the United States of America) would rather that a candidate break in training, rather than in the field when the stakes are for real. Consequently, this training is as mind-blowingly difficult as it could possibly be, both mentally and physically (here’s one candidates interesting account). The candidates are pushed to their limits with physical tasks on top of mental tasks.  Many times they are never given any clear direction on milestones and purposes, and are asked to repeat tasks for no apparent reason.  They have no idea whether they are moving in the right direction, or not.

Here’s the thing…you’re allowed, even encouraged as a candidate, to quit at any time. Its actually an honorable out.  The method for quitting is you simply walk up to the bell, ring it, and you’re done.  Ten minutes later you can be enjoying coffee and donuts, and really no one faults you.

Why You Need the Commitment Level a Navy SEAL

Navy Seal training is team oriented in many ways, but ultimately, it is an exercise in personal commitment, just as your entrepreneurial journey and vision for your life is.  Many times your journey is personally just as difficult as Navy SEAL training in that you are alone, and ultimately you success or failure is totally dependent upon yourself and your level of commitment. Many times in your journey, there will be no clear objective milestones to indicate that “Yes, you ARE on the right track!”.  Many times you feel like you are just fumbling around, trying to figure out how to get your business going. You can’t tell whether you’re doing great or whether you’re failing. There’s no one feeding you, there’re no fellow sufferers, and even if you “finish”…if you actually accomplish your goal, there’s no party, no champagne, and there’s not necessarily any fanfare from the masses.  In fact, if you “make it”, you may actually have more detractors than if you fail (remember the crabs?).

You are going to reach a part of whatever project, of whatever goal you’re trying to accomplish, when you’re in the VALLEY.  When you are in that valley, where you’re not going to want to do it. Steven Pressfield calls it the big crash. You’re going to crash at some point and when that happens, you’re not going to want to do whatever it is you need to do.

How to Be Committed

How do you keep going?  It comes down to focusing on what you can control, which in this case is your personal level of commitment to your goals.  Here are some tips and methods to control your level of commitment and keep doing the work:

  1. Awareness: Simply understanding that valleys are inevitable is a start.  You will have tough times along that journey.  Know they will come and be mentally prepared.
  2. Your WHY: Keep your WHY in front of you at all times, especially during the hard times.  Focus on it daily if needed. When you started this journey, you felt compelled, so has anything changed to make that vision less compelling?  Of course not, you just have to keep reminding yourself.
  3. Vision Casting: Along with your WHY, keep casting your vision for accomplishing those goals.  Imagine and feel what it will be like to have made it happen.
  4. Your Circle: Yes, this is a personal journey, and your level of commitment is a personal choice.  However, keeping the right company and seeking out the advice and fellowship with the right people can do wonders for your state of mind.  Get around those who have done it, who encourage you, and who share the vision for you. Also, many times your WHY will be tied to those in your circle (your family, friends, Church, etc), so make sure you are around them as much as possible.

Summing It Up

Here’s the thing..the only person that can keep you moving is you. And the only thing that will keep you pushing through those valley is your level of commitment.

The only question left to ask here and left for you to answer is, are you going to ring that bell or are you going to keep going?

I hope you’ve received some value from this message.  If so, please comment below and share with others that you think may get some value.

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